Funny how globalised this whole Christmas thing is, I'd actually forgotten that Santa was not always Santa for me, when I was a teeny little girly girl I used to call him Father Christmas, in my very proper British accent. He's Papá Noel in Spanish, but that doesn't matter 'cause Spaniards aren't really into Santa, they've got their own celebration on the 6th of January (the Three Kings, in memory of the Three Wise Men who supposedly visited Jesus some days after his birth). I'm not a religious person (being an adamant atheist ever since I left my very Catholic school), but I've always loved Christmas. Decorations, presents, food (specially my grandfather's, a master chef who sadly passed away a few years ago, who made the most amazing turkey dinners ever). Some of you Brits out there might have even tried it, he was Head Chef for the popular Basil Hotel in London for many, many years (also now sadly defunct). My mom is now the official dinner-maker, and she does a pretty awesome job.
So here's my Christmas wishlist. I already had my Christmas present this year, a top of the range monster computer I inherited from my techie pc-obsessed brother. Mine's not bad, but you should have a look at his getup:
So here goes my list of stuff I would buy myself for Christmas. I'm sure I'm gonna come up with 30 items more as soon as this goes public, but that's just Sod's Law:
1. A 100 dollar gift certificate for Catherinette's Steampunk Collection. Believe me, their creations are absolutely amazing:
2. Of course! A Bibian Blue corset. Thank you, Alex, for the day you introduced me to Bibian Blue and ruined my life, creating a whole bunch of needs and wants I never knew I had. They've even got an outfit with my name (well, pseudonym) on it!
3. A good night's sleep
I'm feeling so tired right now (and have felt this way for the last three or four months) that I'd really love to get a decent sleep and wake up feeling refreshed instead of exhausted. Of course I'd only go to bed completely happy if I got my hands on something by
Bordelle. Yeah, I know, this item can't be bought, but I also want a cloned cat out of the ashes of my beloved departed Golfo. Wonder if that could be arranged.
In any case I have to stop now. I'd also add loads of books and quirky shelfs to put them on, but I'm literally falling asleep at three thirty in the afternoon, so I promise I
will get back to that. For now it's back to work.